Ethan J. Evans
Ethan J. Evans
Phd. University of California, Davis
Phd. University of California, Davis
I serve as assistant professor with the Division of Social Work at California State University, Sacramento. This is the same department where I earned a Master's of Social Work in 2002. I teach policy, advanced policy, and research, assisting graduate students to complete their capstone projects.
I continue to research aspects of healthcare systems, delivery organizations, and policy reform as a research affiliate with the UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research.I am currently working with United Way California Capital Region leading a team to evaluate their guaranteed income pilots (description of work here).
Prior to returning to graduate studies, I served as executive director of the Sacramento Housing Alliance, where we led a campaign to ensure that affordable housing is an integrated part of new communities. Then, I studied international housing and homeless policy as an Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Fellow.
Areas of Interest
Organization Studies; Universal Basic Income Programs, Health Disparities, Policy and Systems Reform; Social Welfare and the Welfare State
PhD, Sociology. University of California, Davis. August 2016
MA, Social Work. California State University. Sacramento. June 2002
BA, Sociology & Political Science (summa cum laude). Kent State University. December 1997
I study health and health care policy and organizations, exploring structural inequality and
processes transforming American systems of social welfare and their governance.
Generation status of immigrant children entrenches racial/ethnic health disparities, especially in terms of their access to services.
Instability in the structure of the family experienced during childhood impacts whether or not adults go to the doctor when sick.
The ACA represents a transformation in welfare state governance that will impact health outcomes and access for decades.
Future work
Extend institutional analysis to explore impacts on patient health.
Refereed Journal Articles
Evans, Ethan J., Reed, S., Caler, K., & Nam, K. (2021) Social Work Students’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Themes of Resilience. Journal of Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2021.1957740.
Melnikow, J., Evans, Ethan J., Xing, G., et. al. (2020). New Patient Access to Primary Care for California Medicaid Enrollees: A Simulated Patient Call Study. Annals of Family Medicine. 18(3):210-17.
Moulin, A. K., Evans, Ethan J., Xing, G., & Melnikow, J. (2018). Substance Use, Homelessness, Mental Illness and Medicaid coverage: A set-up for High Emergency Department Utilization. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 19(6), 902-906.
Evans, Ethan, B. McCarthy, C. Benoit, and M. Jansson. (2018) "Early Trouble, Long-term Consequences: Does Family Instability Keep People from Doctors?" Social Science Quarterly. 99(2):599-615. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.12448.
Evans, Ethan and Caren Arbeit. (2017). “What’s the difference? Health Insurance Coverage and Care Service Access: Disparities and Varied Barriers for Immigrant Children in the U.S.” International Migration. 55(5):8-30.
Editor Reviewed Column
(2023). Advancing Behavorial Health Parity. Health & Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/hlad024.
(2023). Universal Basic Income: A Synopsis for Social Work. Health & Social Work. (48)1:7–10.
(2022). U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development–Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program: Bring All Homeless Veterans Home. Health & Social Work. 47(3):161-164.
(2021). Boosting Health through the Tax Code: 2021 Tax Credit Reforms. Health & Social Work. (46)4:246–249.
Evans, E.J., Noureddine, N., Curry, S., & Nam, K. (2021). COVID-19 Impacts on Social Work and Nursing Now and into the Future: National Administration Plans, Health & Social Work. (46)3:152–157.
(2021). Social Workers and the National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness, Health & Social Work 46(2):89-91.
(2020). Post-Election: Where do we stand on health care? Health & Social Work. 45(4). Full File
Reed, S., Evans, Ethan J., Hooyman, N. (2020). "Social Work: Leading the Move Upstream to Improve the Nation’s Health." Health & Social Work. 45(2), 77–79.
(2019). “Toward a Socially Oriented Model of Health: Institutionalize Help for Patients to Overcome Particular Social Difficulties.” Health & Social Work. 44(3), 145-148.
(2019). “Health Policy in 2019: Hot Topics and a Call for Social Workers to Pursue Elected Office.” Health & Social Work. 44(2), 72-73.
(2019). “The No-Wrong-Door Approach: Antidote to Boundaries within the American Welfare State.” Health & Social Work. 44(1), 8-12.
(2018). “Get Out the Vote: Social Work and the Midterm Elections.” Health & Social Work. 43(3), 145-146.
(2018). “Happy Birthday, National Health Line: A Long History and Solid Foundation for the Future.” Health & Social Work. 43(3), 145-146.
et. al. 2022. Homelessness in Sacramento: Results from the Point-in-Time Count of Sacramento. The Division of Social Work and The Center for Health Practice, Policy & Research (CHPPR) at California State University.
2018. Review of Social Work Practice and Social Welfare Policy in the United States: A History by Philip R. Popple. Spring 2018 - Part 4. https://www.sssp1.org/index.cfm/pageId/1355/m/464
2017. "Even if Obamacare is Repealed, Institutional Changes Will Persist and Lessons can be Learned." Scholars Strategy Network, Policy Briefs. May.
2013. "Unequal Access: Insurance Coverage and Immigrant Generational Status of Diverse Children." Pp. 102-27 in Health Care and Immigration: Understanding the Connections, edited by P. Fernandez-Kelley and A. Portes. New York, NY: Routledge.
Hamilton, Erin and Ethan Evans. 2012. "State Health Insurance Policy and Insuring Immigrant Children." Policy Brief: UC Davis Center for Poverty Research. Vol. 1, Number 4.
2008. “Yes we do! Blick auf die Sozialleistungen und Wohnungslosenhilfe in den USA.” Wohnungslos. BAG W – Verlag. 4:139-42.
“what they need…is a quality of mind that will help them to use information
and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves.”
C. Wright Mills
The Sociological Imagination
Instructor of Record
Public Policy, Graduate-level Introduction
"Social Workers understand the history and development of the modern social welfare system, their profession, and the values, goals, and skeletons that shape both."
Advanced Policy, Graduate Cohort - Health & Aging
"Leaders in Social Work must critically assess the political economy, past and emerging social currents, and public interest groups that shape strategies and responses to perceived ‘social problems’ in the health and ageing."
Grant Writing and Fund Development
"Writing is thinking; thinking is creation. Raising money is at the center of agency social work."
Health Services and Systems
"Health policy in the U.S. has little to do with health care. It marks a debate over the role of institutions (the market, government, non-profit sector) and obligations to our fellow citizens, if not all humans."
Social Policy in America
"Values are at the root of understanding the history, philosophy and functioning of social welfare policies and programs in the United States."
Intermediate Statistics
"Familiarity with statistics allows students to be better-informed, more engaged citizens."
Intro to Quantitative Research Methods
"Statistical tools help us understand the information that we encounter in the course of daily life and make us more informed, critical consumers of knowledge."
Urban Society
“How we live our lives is shaped by where we live our lives.”
Assistant Professor, August 2018 - present
The mission of the Division of Social Work is to prepare individuals aspiring to become Social Work professionals who can both lead and serve the region in the development and delivery of human services which promote the value of humankind and improve the quality of life.
Research Affiliate, October 2016 - Present
Project: Evaluating Medi-Cal Access to Primary Care in the Greater Sacramento Area: A “Mystery Shopper” Study.
PI: Joy Melnikow, CHPR Director.
Fellow, 2007 - 2009
Project Title: Homelessness: An International Comparison of Service and Policy.
Local Affiliations: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe, e.V. Bielefeld, Germany; Evangelische Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, Germany.
Executive Director, 2002-2007
SHA is a regional coalition working to ensure that all people in the Sacramento region have safe, decent, accessible and affordable housing in healthy neighborhoods, supported by equitable public policies and practices.
Accomplishments:- Led successful community campaign to require a percentage of housing in new development be affordable.
- Developed and coordinated broad policy principles strategic agenda for 65 member organizations.
- Increased operating budget by 300% in five years through expanding grants, appeals and fundraising events.
Professional Affiliations
The Scholars Strategy Network seeks to improve public policy and strengthen democracy by organizing scholars working in America's colleges and universities, and connecting scholars and their research to policymakers, citizens associations, and the media.
SSSP is an interdisciplinary community of scholars, practitioners, advocates, and students interested in the application of critical, scientific, and humanistic perspectives to the study of vital social problems.
NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
ASA is dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good.
Community Contributions
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill
Keynote Speech, UC Davis
In this speech, "Empowerment Rocks! A meditation in 3 parts," I honor the social workers of UC Davis Health and the legacy of the profession.
Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness, Board Member
Mission: to end and prevent homelessness in the Sacramento region through policy analysis, community education, civic engagement, collective organizing, and advocacy.
If you are homeless in Sacramento - please call 211 and then #8 and download the 2023-24 Peoples Guide to Health, Welfare & Other Services: www.peoplesguidesac.org
Copyright 2015